Metal Roofing: 3 Practical Benefits for Your Home

Reliable Roofing, Siding & Windows

Metal Roofing: 3 Practical Benefits for Your Home

When it comes to roofing, there are a variety of options available to homeowners. Metal roofing is one option that offers a unique combination of aesthetics, durability, and long-term value. In this blog post, we’ll be taking a look at three of the benefits that make this roofing a practical choice with immediate benefits.

Extremely Durable 

Metal roofing is known for its incredible longevity – it can last 40-70 years or more, depending on the climate in which they’re installed. This makes it durable and an ideal choice for those looking for a long-term solution to their roofing needs. Additionally, it is known to withstand extreme weather conditions such as high winds, heavy rain, snowfall, and even wildfires. This makes them a smart choice for homeowners living in areas prone to inclement weather or natural disasters.  In addition, metal roofing doesn’t need the periodic costly maintenance that other roofing materials often require. However, it should be inspected periodically to make sure no repairs are required.

Most homeowners are guilty of neglecting their traditional asphalt shingle roofs, which can lead to costly damage from curling or cupping shingles. Regularly inspecting and maintaining your roof to remove debris and prevent future repairs assures more longevity – IF you remember to stay on top of it. With a metal roof, you won’t have to worry about shingle issues at all.

The stylish look of blue metal roofing provides an elegant finish to this home.


Modern metal roofing has come a long way from the typical old-fashioned barn roofs made of corrugated tin. Today, there is a vast range of materials to choose from – tin, zinc, aluminum, copper, or galvanized steel – available in a plethora of colors, finishes and even unique shapes! Compared to asphalt shingles, modern metal roofs offer an enormous variety. With over 100 different color options, including custom hues, the possibilities are endless. Residential roofing primarily uses steel and aluminum, both of which uphold paint finishes exceptionally well.

One of the benefits of metal roofing is its energy efficiency

Metal Roofing is Energy Efficient 

Metal roofing is one of the most energy-efficient materials available, as it reflects heat up and away from your home. Investing in a metal roof can save you money on your cooling and heating bills in the long run. Thanks to their reflective properties, metal roofs reflect heat instead of absorbing it, which can result in up to a 25 percent decrease in cooling costs year-round and especially during the summer. Some metal roofs even have specialized coatings that minimize heat gain, making it possible for you to stay comfortable indoors without having to blast the air conditioning. Don’t overlook the benefits of a metal roof when it comes to saving money and increasing your comfort.

Immediate Benefits

Metal roofing provides a unique combination of durability, style and energy efficiency that other types of roofing simply cannot match. Whether you’re looking for an aesthetically pleasing addition to your home’s exterior design or simply want something that will stand up against inclement weather or potential disasters—metal roofing is definitely worth considering. With its improved energy efficiency capabilities combined with its classic good looks—it’s easy to see why it has become such a popular choice among homeowners around the world!

Reliable Roofing, Windows and Siding specializes in metal roofing installation.  Our team of master installers has decades of experience in providing both superior materials and superior workmanship. We are ready to help educate you about the benefits of metal roofing. Our team is readily available to discuss your roofing projects . Schedule a free estimate today!

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